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How to change your Chrome web app icons on a Windows PC

Smith wanted to change his Chrome app’s icon with another icon

Neo Starfall
3 min readNov 14, 2022

Step 0 (prerequisites)

Download and install Everything software (1.5 MB) from the web

Web App’s name (what it is called on your start menu. Eg: Twitter)

how Twitter shows up when I installed theTwitter web app

Step 1 (Everything-thing)

open Everything Software and enter the name of your Web app.

find the thing called “webapp.ico” and make sure it’s in the Web Applications folder.

Everything searched every corner of your computer and gave you the results

Step 2 (“FBI open up” moment)

right-click the “thing” that caught you in step 1 and open its path.

when you right click, it shows up
when you open it…

Step 3 (delete the .md5 thing)

copy webapp.ico and webapp.ico.md5 and paste them into a recognizable place for backup.

delete the webapp.ico.md5 file (don’t ask me why. because it works only if you delete that file. for inquisitive nerds: what is MD5) and webapp.ico file

Step 4 (replace icon)

ensure that you have closed that specific web app (in my case, Twitter).

copy and paste the downloaded icon file into the “opened up” location, rename it webapp.ico

How to Download a High-Quality Logo and Crop a Circle in an Icon + My Favorite Icon Download Sites

after replacement

and restart your PC (not necessary).

Step 69 (if something goes wrong)

Chrome may detect that change and replace it with the default icon, or it may show up with a null icon (see the image) after restart.

yeah, there it is. look at the picture. it’s null!

If nothing happens, try to uninstall the web app and re-install it.

click on the three dots (kebab icon) and this menu comes up. click uninstall and click Remove

Step X (final thoughts)

you can change shortcut icons too!

I found these steps by mistake. I searched online, and it gave me nothing. If you find a resource better than these steps, let me know in the comments or contact me on telegram or twitter

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